world skills international

A good majority of us knows the spoon, an even lesser group knows that we are supposed to put food on the spoon instead of eating the spoon, but I bet none of us knows how the spoon is supposed to be set on a table.

What's that you say? Menial tasks? Well, tell that to the thousands of other people coming to compete in World Skills International.

With 62 years of history, it has been given the name "Olympic of skills" and for good reason. In 2013, over 1000 people from 53 countries came to compete. Restaurant Service as mentioned above is just one of the other 46 different skill areas.

Keep in mind that the competitors are not just setting spoons like Oompa-Loompas with a weird-er and fatter Willy Wonka looking on with his beady eyes, NO, there are judges that are pioneers in their respective fields judging, students spent weeks upon weeks of preparation and the standards they are judged upon are WORLD CLASS.

This year Singapore would be taking part in only 17 skill areas, with Cooking, Electronics and Mechatronics being one of the many skills Singapore is competing in. Seeing as how well we did last year (seventh place in THE WORLD, 3 gold and 2 sliver medals and nine Medallions for Excellence) I have absolute faith in our Singapore competitors.

The competition sites are I.T.E COLLEGE WEST and I.T.E COLLEGE CENTRAL so do come down with a friend to support the competitors. Cause if you don't know how to bake the perfect oreo cheesecake then looking at someone baking the perfect oreo cheesecake is the next best thing, trust me, there's nothing like a little food porn to turn your senses on.


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